Our Partners
Caring Hearts Counselling works with a variety of stakeholders, partners and individuals to connect Saskatchewan people with the services they need while grieving. We encourage you to reach out to us with ideas you might have for continuing and developing this important work.
Major Partners
Grants • Fundraising • Donations
Ministry of Justice, Saskatchewan, Missing Persons Project
Department of Justice, Canada, Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Project
Community Initiatives Fund
South Saskatchewan Community Foundation (SSCF) and Federal Emergency Funding Support during Covid Administered by SSCF
Conexus Credit Union
Caring Hearts Raffle: Caring Hearts raised nearly $8000 plus $1775 from SLGA. Thank you to West Jet for donating a trip for two and to volunteers, and Caring Hearts Board and Staff for assisting in the sales.
Donations through Canada Helps in lieu of a fee from those who attend our grief groups.
Businesses: Tree of Life Foundation; MacKenzie Investments; Prairie Microworks; and Regina Orthodontal Group
Monthly donations: Michael Lemarre; Mike and Brenda Wooley; and an undisclosed donor.
Estates/Bequests: Estate of Mr. Martin Kesmarky; undisclosed pensioner; and Estate of Edgar George Phillips.
Donate a Car: three donations.